DesignOps Island Discs

Harjot Bal - Running a DesignOps Audit

Episode Summary

From actually talking to people, to measuring the success of a DesignOps function, to the big learnings you can surface, for the second episode of DesignOps Island Discs, we set sail for Toronto to talk to Harjot Bal, Senior Manager of DesignOps and Design Systems at Appnovation, about running a DesignOps Audit within your org.

Episode Notes

Harjot Bal, Senior Manager of DesignOps and Design Systems at Appnovation in Toronto, talks to us about his reasons for focussing his UX skills internally, his process for running a DesignOps audit, what he found out of running this at a global agency and how tooling is one of the most important things to look at for the future.

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